Think on your feet. Heal your pain.

Every journey begins with a single step. But how can you even begin to walk that distance, join a marathon or trek that dream adventure when you can barely get out of bed without experiencing severe pain in your foot?
That pain can easily cloud that picturesque destination you had in mind. But instead of sitting and sulking about how difficult it is, maybe you need a different mindset. After all, you’re not incapacitated, and your feet can still function, just not at the speed that’s required - yet!
A recent study by the Australian Bureau of Statistics found that on average, adults can take approximately 7,400 steps per day. It’s statistics such as this which make our feet the most underrated part of our bodies, as they can absorb much of the stress and pressure that comes with going about our daily activities while carrying our weight.
Unfortunately, it’s the feet that are all too often one of the most neglected parts of our body, which is startling when you consider how irreplaceable they are. It’s only until our feet hurt that we realise how important they are.
So, before you buy those expensive stilettos or sneakers that look amazing, first ask yourself is your feet properly supported? Is there enough cushioning inside of the shoe to avoid suffering heel pains such as Plantar Fasciitis? Yes, Plantar Fasciitis can have severe long-term effects and is an injury that should not be taken lightly.
What is Plantar Fasciitis? Why does it matter and why should I care?
The word ‘Plantar’ means the bottom of the foot, while ‘Plantar Fasciitis’ refers to inflammation of the Plantar Fascia, which is the flexible band tissue along the bottom of our foot that connects our heel bone to our toes. The Plantar Fascia acts as a shock absorber and forms the arch of in our foot.
If you happen to experience stiffness or a burning sensation at the bottom of your foot that gets progressively worse when you move after a period of rest, you’re most likely suffering from Plantar Fasciitis.
Plantar Fasciitis the most common ailment of the foot, which can go from a numb feeling to a sharp pain. It can affect either foot or both of your feet. The pain can cause much discomfort if you’ve been sitting or lying down for hours.
According to medical experts, most people who are afflicted with Plantar Fasciitis are those that frequently do long-distance running, walking, playing soccer, and hiking. The pain flares up due to increased inflammation and you will only feel it after a prolonged activity and not while you’re doing it.
People that don’t actively engage in sports or outdoor activities are not immune to Plantar Fasciitis either. Those who stand on hard surfaces for long periods such as cashiers at grocery stores, market sellers, or workers in the hospitality industry – cafes and restaurants - are also prone to this injury.
Plantar Fasciitis can also affect people that have flat feet or with high arches, are overweight, or those who are fond of wearing shoes that don’t provide proper support.
While Plantar Fasciitis is not life-threatening, it can get in the way of your normal routine. It can also cause Heel Spurs, a calcium deposit in your heel bone that will eventually lead to surgery. Chronic heel pain can also injure your legs, knees, hips and back and affect how you walk long-term.
Treating or preventing the onset of Plantar Fasciitis is easy if you act early. The most important thing to remember if you have any of its symptoms then don’t ignore the issue, particularly if you’re between the ages of 40-60 years old, and if you’re above your recommended weight.
Don’t just wait for the pain to disappear on its own as it will only worsen and if that occurs, then it will take longer to heel the pain – pun intended!
If you’re suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, then over-the-counter medicines can be prescribed to relieve the pain. There’s also the option of having your doctor directly inject Corticosteroids into the damaged section of your ligament. However, what most medical experts will recommend is to seek physical therapy to treat your swollen heel.
Here at Northern Myotherapy, we can help stretch your Plantar Fascia, strengthen your lower leg muscles, lessen the workload on your heels and help stabilise your walk.
We are experienced therapists equipped with the right skills to ease your pain and accelerate the healing. With our holistic approach, you get a non-invasive remedy for your foot problem so that you can get on with your life and enjoy what you love doing most with no interruptions.
After receiving treatment for your heel pain, you should consider making necessary changes such as wearing appropriate footwear that supports your arch and avoid overtraining. Another recommendation is to do stretches before and after you exercise in order to have adequate recovery time between sessions.
And yes, maintaining a healthy weight is equally important. Try to picture yourself carrying a full basket of clothes above your head, and then image, that load of clothes being dropped into that basket several times over the day. That high impact is what our feet goes through daily and if not managed accordingly, it will breakdown over time. It’s not only your feet that will thank you for it; your whole body will too.
For the most severe cases, we will refer you to Mr. Peter Dietsch, a podiatrist professional at Frontier Foot Clinic Niddrie, so that you won’t have to live with Plantar Fasciitis for the rest of your life.